Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Cancerversary the Third.... what do I get??

Today is the 3rd anniversary of my mastectomy. If you care to know the history go back to the beginning of this blog and you can learn it all.
In Cancer patient lingo many of us call this a Cancerversary.
To me, todays anniversary is the most important one since it's the day they cut the cancer out and threw it in the trash! Technically it is the day I can refer to myself as Cancer Free (although it took almost 2 years for me to get my stupid oncologist to use the words "Cancer Free" with me) so to me it's the key day to celebrate! 3 years cancer Free is a good number. I understand at 5 years I can stop worrying about the 2008 diagnosed cancer having spread to anywhere else-although I will always be higher risk to get new cancer than a person that has never had it...

Yesterday I found out a loyal client died in the fall from his dance with cancer. I never knew his name, just who he was, what he bought and that he had a nasty, nasty cancer that was similar to my stepfather's. He came in a few times a year since we opened(8 years ago) to buy bath bombs for his sister up North. RIP Bath Bomb guy. I hope you and your Harley have Friday the 13th everyday in heaven....
This week my cancer sisters and I learned that our glorious sister Dana may not have long left to remain in this world. Her cancer did spread, and she likely has no more cancerversaries to share with us, and her loving family. God, I have one request today: Dana has a grandbaby coming any day now and she needs to see it before she goes, can you make that happen?

Cancer, I hate your guts and it's my cancerversary so I'm going to get presents today... I just know it! For a wedding the Traditional 3rd Anniversary Gift is Leather. Can someone give me a leather whip so I can take a crack at cancer over and over and over again? Let me at ya Cancer, I'll do a KKK all over your stupid ass! Hang you by your wrists from a tree and whip you 'til you're bloody and raw and have no energy to fight back... Call me Massa while I'm at it will ya? Let me hear you say it while I whip you! "Yes Massa, I will leave your friends alone!"
"No Massa, I will not go into any more people's bodies and fight to take them from their loved ones!"

The Modern 3rd Anniversary Gift is Crystal (or Glass). Can someone give a Crystal vase to smash into shards so I can go all bar fight nuts and shred Cancer to death? I'll rip and stab and tear the flesh of the nasty thing. I'll grind the tiny bits into it's every cell.

Happy 3rd Cancerversary to me. I'm glad for myself, but I'd trade a year of my own Cancer Freeness to give Dana a year back... or at least a few minutes with that precious new grandchild....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. Just wow.